
Benefits of Hot Stone Massage

July 18, 2017


Hot stone massage is an old-fashioned method of therapeutic massage that was originally a part of traditional Chinese, Thai, and Ayurvedic medicine. It was introduced to the West sometime in the early 1980s, and slowly gained a strong and steady following by the mid-2000s, and now, there are a number of expert therapists who specialises in the technique, all over the world.

True to its name, hot stone massage is a type of complimentary physical therapy method which employs polished flat (often oval or circular shaped) stones. These are heated using steam or a gentle fire that is produced by specialised equipment, often of the traditional sort – although modern iterations are now growing in popularity.

The stones are then placed on select areas of the body, for the purpose that these will provide pain relief and elicit a sense of relaxation. There are a number of benefits that can be derived from a properly executed hot stone massage, such as the following:

  • Pain relief – much like deep-muscle massage, hot stone massage provides excellent pain-relief, without the annoying drawback of tiredness or soreness. The gentle heat provided by the stones on specific areas of the body where it is placed helps to efficiently relieve muscular tension, while simultaneously increasing blood flow to the affected area, facilitating in deep-tissue healing.

Combined with accompanying massage, or complimented with cold stone therapy, it also helps to improve the ease and smoothness of muscle movement. It has also been shown to reduce the incidence of muscle spasms and inflammation.

  • Treats insomnia – a 2006 review on the benefits of hot stone massage found that it worked as an excellent alternative to sleeping pills. Done at the end of a long and stressful day, it is known to help promote a healthful and restorative sleep, and can quell the symptoms of insomnia that is so common for stressed and overworked individuals.

In fact, a study conducted on infants showed that a fifteen-minute hot-stone massage session not only helped them sleep better, but they woke up more active and alert the morning after.

  • Fights anxiety and depression – hot stone massage is also said to be highly beneficial for individuals who suffer from anxiety disorders, depression, or the ravages of stress. A gentle hot stone massage has been shown to elevate a person’s mood and reduce anxiety in patients who suffer from it chronically.

Regular massage at select intervals of the week helps to raise endorphins level of people to better cope with stress, and, it helps facilitate in healing and relaxation, which also helps to improve a person’s overall outlook and general well-being.

For those who wish to experience the therapeutic benefits of hot stone massage, visit My Beauty First – beauty, skin, nail, and hairdressing specialists in Melbourne.

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