
Can Pregnant Mums and Their Unborn Babies Benefit from Reiki Healing?

February 26, 2019

Pregnancy is one of the most momentous times in a woman’s life. With this being said, we also need to mention that it does not happen without a bit of stress since a woman’s body goes through extreme changes during this journey to motherhood. The changes can cause tense muscles, nervousness and emotional upsets due to increased hormonal activity. While certain traditional methods for relieving tension may not be suitable for a pregnant mum and the baby she is carrying, Reiki Healing is safe and effective. We present you with the following facts about what this type of healing is, and how it can help you through your pregnancy.

What Is Reiki Healing?

Reiki Healing is a Japanese therapy method that relaxes the mind and body to lower stress in the body. By doing all this, it stimulates the body’s own natural healing mechanism. Basically, Reiki Healing is a spiritually guided session to encourage your own life-force energy to address your issues in a positive manner.

The Benefits of Reiki Healing for Pregnant Mums and Their Unborn Babies

1. Reiki can reduce morning sickness when you participate in it right from the start of your pregnancy.

2. Reiki relieves aches and pains that occur due to the fact that you are carrying the extra weight of your baby.

3. Reiki relaxes the mind and diminishes the anxiety of pregnancy. With so many hormonal changes going on in the body, it is easy to become snappish and out of sorts when you are pregnant. This therapy helps you avoid these reactions.

4. When you participate in Reiki during the labor process, it can relax the pelvic muscles and diminish the intensity of delivery pain. This prevents the use of drugs to numb the body and therefore, protects the fetuses from the side effects from being exposed to them.

5. The life-force energy that Reiki helps the body release during pregnancy can keep you calmer as your baby moves around in your womb. The baby’s movements can be a bit distracting when you are trying to perform your daily duties.

6. Reiki also helps post-partum when it can be overwhelming getting used to your new routine. It can keep you calm during breastfeeding, which helps the milk flow easily to your baby. Also, the calmer you are, the more you can enjoy this special bonding time with your infant.

To receive high-quality Reiki Healing, turn to My Beauty First. Our qualified specialists will adeptly perform each session to ensure that you reap the full benefits of this type of therapy.

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