
Home/Business Smudging and Cleansing Benefits for Better Aura and Positive Energy

July 16, 2018

Performing smudging and cleansing to clear a space of negative energy is a time-honoured tradition that has its roots in many indigenous people around the world, including the Australian Aboriginals. These practices are often used in conjunction with each other to create a positive energy and a better aura for the space. While people accomplish this goal with a simple deep cleaning, others consider this a spiritual ritual and go to great lengths to reach this goal. Let us examine both of these practices a bit further for you to learn additional facts.

Cleansing Your Home or Business

Many cleanse their homes or businesses after issues arise that makes communication difficult. Others perform this task during meditation to rid themselves of negative feelings. Also, this can involve clearing the physical clutter out of the area to organise it in an efficient manner.

You Can Perform Smudging With or Without the Cleansing

It is not always necessary to cleanse before smudging since the latter can be successful at removing negative energy all on its own, but certain practitioners of these practices always combine both tasks together to accomplish their intended goal. When you smudge, you burn certain herbs in your home or business. You should always ensure that the smoke can reach into the corners of each room, the closets, the main areas and all other areas, regardless of their size or shape. Also, you can smudge a specific individual to improve his or her aura and positive energy. Take a smoldering smudge stick and move it over the individual to ensure the smoke covers every inch of him or her.

Examples of Smudging Herbs

Numerous herbs are used in smudge sticks by tying pieces of them together before lighting them on fire. Below, we provide you with some examples of these herbs:

  • Sage absorbs any illness, anger, conflict and even evil that has been present.
  • Lavender creates calm in a home, a business or an individual.
  • Cedar creates a positive, healing energy that is not as quite as intense as sage, especially white sage, is, but it is a viable alternative for those who dislike the aroma of sage.
  • Sweet Grass is used in smudging to encourage the energy of love and peace to come into the space or to the person.
  • Rosemary produces a peaceful, positive energy and aura in your home or business and often is mixed with sage.

Just choose the herb that suits your purpose the best. You also can blend herbs together in a smudge stick if you need to achieve multiple goals. In addition, consult with My Beauty First for further facts about home/business smudging and cleansing benefits for better aura and positive energy.

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