
How Men Can Also Benefit from IPL Hair Removal

August 29, 2016


Today, more men than ever opt to remove excess hair from various parts of their body to please their mate or for other reasons. For years, men only would use electric or manual razors to accomplish this task. Next, they tried the wax method of hair removal, but many found this to be too painful to endure regularly. Now, men have the option for intense pulsed light or IPL hair removal that is highly effective and painless. Men, who are prime candidates for this procedure, can undergo this type of procedure to remove hair from all over their body ranging from their ears down to their toes.

How IPL Accomplishes Hair Removal

The light from the IPL device targets the pigment of the strand of hair. Its light penetrates deeply and turns to heat. As a result, this process kills the live hair cells and the strand falls out. In addition, the follicles in which the hair grows can quit producing strands all together. It takes a series of IPL treatments to accomplish maximum results in hair removal.

Special Requirements for Realising Optimal Results

IPL works best on men with dark hair and lighter skin since the delivery device can target the hair with greater efficiency than when the hair is light. Men with blond or gray hair will need to stick with waxing or shaving for this reason. If you are unsure whether or not you are an ideal candidate for this procedure, ask the technician for guidance.

Prepare for Hair Removal Prior to IPL Sessions

You should prepare for an IPL treatment in the following manner:

  • Exfoliate your skin three to four days prior to the treatment.
  • Shave treatment area 24 hours before the treatment, but do not tweeze, bleach or wax for four weeks prior to the session.
  • You should not apply moisturisers, oils, creams of tanning products to the treatment area. Skin should be clean and dry.
  • Avoid any exposure to the sun before and after each session.

Men Can Remove Hair From Various Parts of the Body

IPL accomplishes hair removal for men on such body parts as:

  • Ears
  • Back
  • Underarms
  • Sides of face
  • Legs
  • Chest and other frontal parts
  • Snail trail
  • Buttock
  • Arms
  • Toes
  • Hands

For further facts about how men can benefit from IPL hair removal, contact My Beauty First. We offer a variety of packages and individual IPL services to fit the specific needs of men. Our staff members will meet with you to discuss your needs before scheduling your treatment sessions.

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