
Relaxation Massage and Hot Stone Massage in Reservoir Area

June 20, 2016

stone massage

In your hectic life, there probably are times when your muscles tense up or you are overly stressed to the point that it is difficult to relax. While you can turn to a number of ways for relief, you may wish to use a natural method that has long been known to soothe you physically and mentally, namely massage. My Beauty First offers relaxation massage and hot stone massage in Reservoir area of Australia.

What Is Relaxation Massage?

A session of relaxation massage is all about relaxing clients to help them let go of their stress and tension. The technique involves smooth, long, gliding strokes performed in a rhythmic manner. While the pressure is deep enough to help the muscles release all tension, it will not be painful for the clients.

Advantages of Relaxation Massage

  • Increases blood flow to the massage area
  • Temporarily lowers blood pressure
  • Releases muscle tension
  • This type of massage lowers the level of cortisol, a stress hormone, in the body. Increased cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, insomnia and other unpleasant issues.
  • Clients report mood-lifting effects from this massage along with all the other benefits that we list.
  • Provides relief for tension headaches
  • Possible boost of the immune system occurs with regular sessions

How Hot Stone Massage Differs From Relaxation Massage

Hot stone massage combines the techniques of relaxation massage with the application of hot stones to the back to increase the results. For this, the therapist uses smooth river rocks to ensure there are no sharp or rough surfaces coming into contact with the skin. The therapist first sanitises and warms the stones before placing them on the recipient's back. Muscles in the back start to relax during this step and this enables the manipulations of the therapist to be more productive. Once the therapist removes the stones and performs the massage techniques in the proper manner, the body realises certain benefits, such as:

  • Increased circulation
  • Pain relief
  • A reduction in stress
  • Mood-lifting effects

Both Forms of Massage Are Highly Effective

You need to understand that both forms are highly effective in providing relaxation and other benefits whichever form you decide to partake in for your own body. To prevent unnecessary muscle tension and stress, enjoy a massage on a routine basis.

For further information and pricing on relaxation massage and hot stone massage in Reservoir area of Australia, consult with our company. We will schedule you an appointment for either one at your convenience.

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