
Seniors Deserve a Break: Treat them with an Age-care Massage

March 13, 2020

Generally, massage is a fantastic way to ease pain, stress and improve health and well being. There are many benefits massage can have on seniors. Age-care massage uses a different technique as compared to the massage for younger people. There are different physiological changes that occur in the body as you age and massage therapists need to take this into account. It is a natural trend, as we age, to become less active and massage can significantly benefit the effects ageing and less physical activity has on us. Below are the benefits of treating seniors with an age-care massage.

Age-Care Massage Eases Body Pains

For most elderly people pain management is treated through pharmaceutical medications, however, massage can be used as a natural substitute to conventional medical methods as it can help ease and even eliminate pain.

Age-Care Massage Strengthens the Body

Aged care massage can help to strengthen these regions of the body by improving circulation, increasing mobility and flexibility, and naturally lubricating joints. By employing varying pressure, smooth strokes and gentle kneading, a remedial aged care massage can present its effects within a day. A massage is equal parts instant relief and long-term treatment, aiding in the overall health of the body.

Age-Care Massage Provides Comfort

Massage therapy utilises touch, our most intimate and important sense. Touch often provides comfort where nothing else can. No words are required when touch is involved – it is a unique form of communication. Massage is special in this way, providing a compassionate hand where it is most needed. As well as being relaxing and stress-relieving, massage fosters a connection that creates empathy, comfort and understanding. This connection provides something positive, something looked forward to, with the added bonus of being physically beneficial.

Age-Care Massage Promotes Overall Health

Research has shown massage is a useful in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer’s as it has shown to facilitate relaxation and communication. It also assists in arthritic pain management and promotes natural joint lubrication – which is extremely important for arthritis sufferers. Age-care massage also helps to increase strength and muscle coordination and boosts energy levels and mental awareness. It can significantly improve posture by reducing muscle tension.

Indeed, seniors deserve a break from the hassle of daily life. And what better way to do that than to avail an age-care massage. So if you would like to treat your senior relatives for a massage, visit My Beauty First. We offer services that can improve your overall health and can be a great addition to your regular beauty regimen. Our highly qualified specialists believe in quality services and workmanship as we cater to our client’s needs and preferences.

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